Wisconsin DPI Logo

November 17, 2021
Yesterday, the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) released public and choice school and district report cards for the 2020-21 school year. With the 2019-20 report cards not being issues due to the ongoing impact of the pandemic, the release today offers the first glimpse of our district’s scores in 2 years.

Those that are accustomed to viewing past report cards will see a great deal of difference in the format of this year’s cards. Besides the change in the overall appearance of report cards, other new aspects include:

·        A narrative we composed on the district report card that addresses a couple of areas that we feel are equally important to our students’ academic success – 1.) our effort to create partnerships with our community and 2.) our emphasis that we place on social-emotional learning.
·        Data on course participation in classes designed for preparation for post-secondary opportunities as well as participation in course in the arts. We feel Potosi High School does an exceptional job in both these areas – providing opportunities for all students.
Find information about the other differences at this link. https://dpi.wi.gov/sites/default/files/imce/accountability/pdf/Whats_New_for_2020-21_Report_Cards_Final.pdf

While we are excited that each of our schools: Elementary, Middle School, and High School, along with the Potosi School District as a whole, received a score of Exceeds Expectations”, a couple of comments about our scores.

First, as it states on the DPI website, we caution against making too many comparisons between this year’s scores and previous year’s levels. The pandemic has caused every school district to alter some of the ways that they educate our youth. We are confident in the modifications that we have made regarding COVID protocols, but at times, it is like comparing apples to oranges.

Second, regardless of the score achieved at this time, the stance of our educators will remain the same; to continue to strive for improvement. We will constantly look for ways to enhance the ways we educate the children of our district.

You can view the report cards on the DPI site at https://apps2.dpi.wi.gov/reportcards/home or find them on our website at https://www.potosisd.k12.wi.us/ by clicking on the menu link, then selecting DPI Accountability Report Cards