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August 3, 2020

Potosi Students and Families

As we stated in our letter from July 21, 2020, our reopening plan includes both a face to face, in-person start to the school year along with an option for students/families to utilize an online presentation. We will frequently reach out to you with updated information so that you can make informed decisions with regards to the presentation style that makes the most sense for your child’s learning. In this letter, let me explain recent decisions made with regards to 1.)  busing safeguards, 2.) symptom/wellness screenings of students and staff, and 3.) the wearing of face coverings during face to face instruction to help lead you to making that informed decision.

In discussions with WARCO, our bus provider, the following safety measures will be present:

  • Protective barriers will be placed behind the driver
  • Bus will be sanitized after each trip
  • Assigned seating will be used on bus routes to minimize the number of people each student is in contact with
  • Siblings will be seated together

Staff and students that attend school face to face will be asked to complete a wellness screening/temperature check before coming to school each day.  Obviously, younger students will need parental help with conducting temperature checks and determining if the student “feels well” each morning.  This year, even more so than in previous years, we will emphasize the necessity that any student or staff that does not feel well on a given day, should stay home that day.

In line with the statewide mandate from Governor Evers, all staff, and students 5 years and older will be required to wear face masks.  Not only does this requirement keep us in line with state mandates, but also it continues to foster a sense of caring for each other, something we have always strived for in our school.  Wearing a face mask is one way for us to show our care for each other during this pandemic, especially for those in our school who have underlying health conditions.  Exceptions to wearing a face mask will be allowed for medical conditions that prevent wearing of face coverings with a signed note from your child's medical provider.

The district will have a limited supply of masks and face shields for students to use if they have forgotten their own, but it is our expectation that face coverings will be added to your school supplies list so that each student is prepared for face to face instruction.  We also ask that students have a chance to practice wearing their masks during the month of August to prepare them for September 1st.

As we move forward with refining our reopening plans, we are at the point where we need to know how many students will attend school in a face to face manner.  Therefore, this week we will begin the registration process for the 2020-21 school year.  We will send messages to all families when the online registration is ready and we ask families to complete the registration process by Wednesday, August 12th.  School secretaries will be available during regular business hours to help answer questions about the online registration process.

As always, reach out to us if we can help in any way.

Kurt Cohen

District Administrator

Potosi Schools