Potosi High School added a brain health retreat room in March of 2023. The brain health room has many impacts on students. It gives students the opportunity to step away and take a break. The room offers a place for students and staff to feel safe, a place where their feelings, thoughts, and problems are accepted without judgment. Students use the room for a variety of reasons; some need to take a break and refocus, some show signs of anxiety, or they had something that happened and need a space to come and calm down. 

Mental health significantly impacts students in the classroom setting, affecting their academic performance, social interactions, and overall well-being. Students struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or stress may find it challenging to concentrate, participate, or complete assignments on time. These difficulties can lead to a decline in academic performance. Mental health struggles can affect students' relationships with teachers and peers, potentially leading to feelings of isolation. Creating a supportive environment that acknowledges and addresses mental health concerns is important to allowing students to succeed academically and emotionally during their high school years. It is essential for schools to provide mental health resources for support when students need it most and encourage open conversations to help students navigate these challenges effectively so they are ready to return to a classroom.      

        I asked Mrs.Davis if the room was beneficial to students. She responded, “I feel that it has been very beneficial to students to be able to have a safe and non-judgmental space that they can have.” She also stated, “Our data that we have collected has shown that students have felt better after they used the room.” She also explained what she likes about the room. “I like having the room because it gives students a safe space to go during the school day. I like the location of the room, so I can greet students and know how they are doing and escort them into the room.” She lets them have their time and space while in the room, yet she can keep an eye on the students and connect with them before they leave the room. 

            One student explained their experience with the brain health room; they found it beneficial because they needed a reset sometimes, and it helped them to get back into the classroom setting.

       A brain health retreat room is a great addition to high schools because it offers students a dedicated space to focus on mental well-being. It provides resources that support students' emotional health. It helps to raise awareness about mental health and promotes a positive school environment that values the well-being of its students. We need to normalize knowing that it's OK not to be OK, and end the stigma around mental health.