Imagine a school with no excuses. The constant excuses students give, the excuses for being late to class or not doing an assignment. The teachers aren't here to be our friends; they are here to keep pressure on us. They make sure we are getting assignments done and how to control deadlines. Without the teachers giving us deadlines, there wouldn't be any assignments handed in. Students say they don't like certain teachers because they're strict. Teachers being strict is the reason we are learning. Truthfully, we should thank our teachers more because they are helping guide us out of high school so that we can be successful in the future as employers or employees.

The reason for teachers being strict is because when they give us the timelines, it is so that we can get in the habit of making personal deadlines. We know when it is due to get our work done. 

Mrs. Meier explained her thoughts about students who make excuses. “I used to be a procrastinator. I would wait until the last minute to get my school work done. It worked fine in high school but was far more challenging in college. My grades were not as high as they could have been because I wasn't good at making time to study. Making excuses only hurts you in the long run. Take advantage of the teachers that are here to help you. It will make life less stressful and will make the school day go by a little quicker!” Imagine it this way; when we get older as students we will have more to pay for. Perhaps it's a car loan or college loans or an internet bill. These loans don't pay themselves. You must take time out of your day to pay them, not to say,” it can wait” unless you want to pay more for it being overdue.

I interviewed Mrs. Hampton and she thinks students make a lot of excuses about doing their assignments and then panic at the end of the semester. They say they will get it done before the semester but never do so, then they have assignments built up because they neglected to do them earlier. The students that postponed their assignments end up stressing over it, then get mad because the teachers did not help, but the teacher gave the assignment weeks prior, so they cannot stop and go back. 

Stop making excuses because you still must do the assignment, even after an excuse. Excuses do not pardon you from doing an assignment. It is easier to do your assignment with everyone else than try to catch up in the end.