Traditionally, 8th-grade students have been fortunate enough to be able to go on a class trip to Mt.Olympus. Unfortunately, the freshman this year lost their chance of going on their 8th-grade trip last year due to the pandemic that is happening around the world, causing so many events to get canceled. The point of the Mt. Olympus trip was to go and have fun as a class one last time together before taking on high school. The whole class had already sat down and talked about the trip. They already had a date, and they all had their hopes up and were excited. After all of their planning, they, unfortunately, had to completely cancel their trip due to the pandemic. 

When I was in 8th grade, I was able to go on the trip, and I think that it would have been sad to miss out on it. I thought that the Mt.Olympus trip was a lot of fun; we got to take a coach bus, and we even got to stop at the mall to go shopping. I remember planning the trip with our class and with the head supervisor, Mr. Downs. We had all of our chaperones picked out and we had everything planned. I remember having to pick a buddy to stay with while we were there so we wouldn’t get lost alone. 

Sydney Recker, who lost her chance of going on the Mt. Olympus trip, explained how she felt about missing out on the fun trip,  “I think we could have made some good memories on that trip but unfortunately that opportunity was taken from us.” 

Sydney hopes that her class is able to reschedule their trip; she thinks it’s only fair for them to have the opportunity like the other classes did. She knows that with the pandemic going on it will be very difficult to reschedule and there is a pretty good chance that it won’t happen, but all the freshman can do now is hope that they won’t miss out on any more class trips or fun activities that previous classes were fortunate enough to be able to do.